New Delhi: Actor Jacqueline Fernandez has been granted bail in Rs 200 crore money laundering case by Delhi’s Patiala House Court today. However, the court asked the actor to submit a personal bond of Rs 2 lakh and one surety in the same amount before it. A few minutes before the order was delivered, she was snapped at the court gate by the media personnel.
In the case, the main accused involves conman Sukesh Chandrashekar.
#WATCH | Actor Jacqueline Fernandez reaches Delhi’s Patiala House Court.
The Court will pronounce an order today on her bail plea in Rs 200 crores money laundering case.
— ANI (@ANI) November 15, 2022
In another video going viral on the internet, she can be seen walking in the court premises, escorted by security personnel.
Jacqueline Fernandes gets bail from Patiala High Court in money laundering case #JacquelineFernandez #जैकलीन @Asli_Jacqueline
— Hiren Meriya (ABP News) (@Hiren_meriya) November 15, 2022
The latest order came four days after the special judge Shailendra Malik extended the interim protection granted to Fernandez till Tuesday as the order was not ready at that time.
During the argument, the court questioned the ED’s intention as to why it did not arrest Fernandez yet during the ”investigation despite issuing a LOC”.