New Delhi: Kareena Kapoor, known for her Bollywood debut in 2000 with Refugee, was originally supposed to make her debut in Rakesh Roshan’s Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai alongside Hrithik Roshan. However, she left the project after filming for a few days, and Ameesha Patel stepped in as her replacement. While previous reports implied that Kareena’s mother had concerns about the project and advised her to exit, Ameesha revealed in an interview that the filmmaker informed her differently.
Ameesha Patel Reveals about Kareena
During an interview with Bollywood Bubble, Ameesha revealed that according to Rakesh Roshan, Kareena Kapoor was asked to leave the film due to disagreements. Roshan’s wife, Pinkie aunty, expressed shock at the sudden change as the set was ready and they had to find a replacement for Kareena within three days. The production had also incurred significant expenses. Pinkie aunty mentioned that when Rakesh saw Ameesha at a wedding, he was relieved as he had found his replacement Sonia, but he hoped she would agree to the role.
Ameesha Patel also mentioned that Rakesh Roshan frequently compliments her, stating that she paid attention to everything he taught her during the filming. According to her, he considers her to be a fortunate surprise. ameesha recalled that Rakesh first met her when she was a teenager at a wedding. At that time, he expressed his intention to cast her in a film once she reached the appropriate age.
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In an interview with Filmfare, Kareena expressed her satisfaction about not doing the film. She mentioned that the film was primarily focused on Hrithik, with his father paying great attention to perfecting every frame and close-up of his. On the other hand, Kareena felt that not much effort was put into Ameesha’s appearance in the film. She pointed out that there were scenes where Ameesha had pimples and under-eye bags, making her look less beautiful, while every shot of Hrithik was like a dream. Therefore, Kareena expressed her relief at not being a part of the film.