New Delhi: Animal star Ranbir Kapoor is all set to win the audience heart once again with his character in his upcoming film ‘Ramayana’ where he is playing the role of lord Ram. The actor apparently has quit non-veg food and alcohol to do justice to his character whole heartedly. The Pre Production of the film is already underway and Ranbir Kapoor will be seen playing the role of Lord Ram in the film. According to reports the actor is also undergoing voice diction training to nail the character.
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According to reports the director of the film Nitesh Tiwari has asked Ranbir to work on his pronunciation and dialogues under the guidance of a diction expert to have a perfect dialogue delivery. Reports also say that the filmmaker wants him to sound different from all the characters that he had done in the past. Apart from this, there were strong speculations that Ranbir had quit alcohol and meat to play the role of lord Ram.
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Sources also say that Bollywood actor Sunny Deol has agreed to play the role of Lord Hanuman in the film. The film will have other actors like Sai Pallavi as Sita, and KGF star Yash will be playing the role of Ravana. The film is likely to go on floors by the second half of this year.
About Ranbir Kapoor’s work front
The animal actor is flying high with the mega success his film ‘Animal’ which is also streaming in the OTT platforms. The film broke all the records at the box office and was highly appreciated by the audience. However many critics raised questions on the violence and aggression shown in the film. The film also stars Bollywood actors Anil Kapoor, Bobby Deol, Shakti kapoor, Tripti Dimri and Rashmika Mandana in pivotal roles.
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