New Delhi: The much-awaited Brahmastra trailer which was released last week has received a lot of love and appreciation from the fans. The movie will star Ranbir Kapoor in the role of Shiva along with Alia Bhatt, Amitabh Bachchan, Nagarjuna, and Mouni Roy in pivotal roles. Besides, speculations have been on the rise that Shah Rukh Khan may be a part of Ayan Mukerji’s movie. However, the enthusiastic fans have started discussing a new theory of Deepika Padukone making a cameo in the mega sci-fi project too.
This started with the makers releasing the film’s trailer in 4K on Sunday, giving a better look at one particular shot. A particular shot has left the netizens to scratch their heads where the woman in it neither looks like the female lead Alia Bhatt nor the antagonist Mouni Roy. After watching the 4K trailer, fans are now suspecting that Deepika who previously collaborated with Ayan Mukerji in Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani, will be making an appearance in the movie.
Here’s what the fans are speculating:
Big Breaking:- Deepika Padukone play Jal Devi in #Brahmastra Part 2, and Shah Rukh Khan Play Villain Dark in #Brahmastra Part 3.
Also Both Cameo in #Brahmastra Part 1. For Develope Upcoming Chapter.
Master stock by #AyanMukerji#DeepikaPadukone #ShahRukhKhan— SRK Next Update (@srkfcudr) June 15, 2022
Jal character from #Brahmastra seems to look like deepika padukone (blue energy coming out from her hand)
While 2nd pic is of Mouny Roy (carries a red stone)
— ravan⚡ (@cheemrish) June 19, 2022
deepika padukone as water goddess jal devi in brahmastra??? oh absolutely fucking it
— chandni ? (@dpobsessed) June 15, 2022
It seems like Deepika @deepikapadukone#BrahmastraTrailer #Brahmastra #DeepikaPadukone
— Priya (@Priya__Chrips) June 19, 2022
According to fan theories, Deepika will be playing the role of ‘Jal Devi’ (Water Goddess) while SRK will make a cameo as a gray character. As both will have a fleeting appearance in the first part, they’ll completely reprise their roles in the upcoming sequels.
The movie will have three parts, with Part 1 beginning with the story of Shiva, played by Ranbir Kapoor.
While talking to the Indian Express, a source confirmed that Shah Rukh Khan is a part of Brahmastra. “SRK is supposedly playing a scientist in Brahmastra and his role is quite important to the film’s story graph. His role is at least around 15-20 minutes. The superstar completed shooting his part some months ago, and is totally looking forward to the film’s release.”