New Delhi: The Mumbai police filed a charge sheet against choreographer Ganesh Acharya. He was booked for alleged sexual harassment in 2020.
The choreographer was accused by one of his co-dancers in 2020 of sexual harassment and stalking.
Acharya has been charged under sections 354A (sexual harassment), 354C (voyeurism), 354D (stalking) along with other sections pertaining to causing hurt, insulting the modesty of a woman, criminal intimidation. Assistant police inspector Sandeep Shinde confirmed that a chargesheet was filed on March 14.
His co-dancer, a 35-year-old assistant choreographer confirmed that she was informed that the charge sheet has been filed.
However, the ace Bollywood dance master has not reacted to the development.
Earlier, Ganesh Acharya had denied the charges and called them as “false and baseless”. When the FIR was filed, Ganesh Acharya’s legal team had said that they have filed a defamation complaint against her.
More details awaited.