New Delhi: Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone took to social media on Tuesday, taking up the ‘Ask Me Anything’ challenge. It is the latest rage on social media, where celebrities connect with their fans and give a peek into their daily lives.
The ‘Padmaavat’ actor took to her Instagram stories and shared a couple of videos in which she was seen answering some of the questions and even wished one of her fans on their birthday.
One of the fans asked her about the “favourite food that she makes by herself”. To this Deepika said, “Favourite food I bake I’d say cookies. I’m more fond of baking than cooking so I have to say cookies are my strength.”
Another fan from behind the camera asked her the first thing she does after waking up to which she responds, “The first thing I do when I wake up is… I put my alarm off.”
Next, she gave a shout-out to a fan from Nagpur and said that she has never been to the place but will visit there soon.
She was further asked about what she loves to do every day and her answer proved her love for fitness. Deepika responded with a video and said that she loves to start her day with a workout. She further expressed that though she fails to do it throughout the week, she does try to do it at least three to four times in one week.
On the work front, the 35-year-old actor has been busy with the shoot for Shakun Batra’s upcoming untitled project with Siddhant Chaturvedi and Ananya Panday. Recently, the ‘Piku’ star also took everyone by surprise when she announced a collaborative project with Hrithik Roshan titled, ‘Fighter’.