New Delhi: And in some good news for all the Super Hero film fans, director Prasanth Verma has announced the release date of the Superhero film ‘Hanuman’ which will be released on 12th January 2024. As the name of the film says, the storyline is based on lord hanuman from Ramayana. Telugu actor Teja Sajja playes the lead role in the film and has already received an amazing response from the viewers. The film was scheduled to release on May 12 but the release date was delayed due to unavoidable reasons.
From Indian Ithihaas🙏
To the Worldwide Screens🔥Brace yourselves for a breathtaking cinematic experience!#HANUMAN
GRAND RELEASE ON JAN 12th 2024, Sankranthi in 11 Languages WW💥A @PrasanthVarma Film
🌟ing @tejasajja123@Niran_Reddy @Primeshowtweets#HanuManForSankranthi— Primeshow Entertainment (@Primeshowtweets) July 1, 2023
The film will be released in 11 languages. The poster of the film shows the main character Teja Sajja holding a flag and is crossing a mountain. He is playing a kurta along with a dhoti. The film also stars Vinay rai, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Getup Srinu, Satya, Raj Deepak Shetty in important roles.
Netizens reaction on the Trailer
Jai Sri Ram 🙏
These 20 seconds in just goosebumps.🥵🥵🥵
#HanumanTrailer 🙌💥🔥🔥🔥👏👏— 🦅GHANI BHAI بهاي🦁 (@BheemlaBoy1) December 19, 2023
Goosebumps overload 🔥🔥
Visuals are very realistic 🥵..
Worth Varma Worthu Prashant varma ❤️🙇..#HanumanTrailer #JaiShreeram 🚩— సిద్ధార్థ _రాయ్ 💫 #OG (@Siddu4PSPK) December 19, 2023
Trailer Last shot lo Lord Hanuman eyes & Chiru swamy eyes as it is unnay 👌👌 “Chiranjeevi moham lo Naku anjaneyudu kanipiathadu” ani baapu garu chepparu, true anipisthundi 😍#HanumanTrailer
— Rafi sk (@RafiSk9966) December 19, 2023
Sankranti ki Sure shot Blockbuster 🔥🙌
— ఇడియట్ (@Ravannafan26) December 19, 2023
Meanwhile the reactions of Netizens are overwhelming after seeing the trailer of the film. Some call it Mega blockbuster and many call it visual feast. Let’s take a look at the trailer of the film.
The director of the film Prashanth Varma shares post about the film the director says, he spent two years to complete the film and is ready to spent another six months to give the best.
I have spent 2 years of my life on this film and ready to spend another 6 months to give you nothing but the best! 🙏🏽#HANUMAN on JAN 12th 2024, SANKRANTHI@tejasajja123 @Niran_Reddy @Primeshowtweets#HanuManForSankranthi
— Prasanth Varma (@PrasanthVarma) July 1, 2023