New Delhi: On Wednesday, filmmaker-producer Karan Johar threw a googly to his fans and followers. Initially, KJo took to social media to announce that “Koffee With Karan will not be returning,” only to dramatically announce more important information that the talk show “will not be returning on TV” but on the OTT platform, Disney+Hotstar.
Now reports are being circulated online that the talk show’s next season will welcome some prominent celebrities from the south film industry. According to a report by Pinkvilla, Koffee With Karan will see Telugu stars Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna answering some interesting questions asked by Johar.
Quoting the source to the show, Pinkvilla reported that the Koffee With Karan team has already reached out to Allu Arjun and Mandanna for the chat show and they are “super excited about it.” Both the stars worked in the recent blockbuster ‘Pushpa: The Rise”.
The pan-India movie has tremendously increased Allu Arjun’s fan following, while Mandanna has already shot her Bollywood debut with Siddharth Malhotra. The 26-year-old actress will be starring in Mission Majnu. She will due to shoot her next with Amitabh Bachchan in Goodbye and Ranbir Kapoor in another movie that is under production.
According to Pinkvilla, Koffee With Karan will welcome several big Tollywood celebrities. This will explain how south cinema is one of the biggest markets now delivering some record-breaking box office collections. Quoting a closed source to the show, the entertainment portal reported, “The makers have kept it well balanced to attract South audiences. Viewers will be amazed by the guest list of this season.”
In a statement issued by Johar, he stated that Koffee With Karan will be returning exclusively on Disney+Hotstar. The statement also added that the movie star will return to the couch to spill some secrets and put rest on certain rumours.
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