New Delhi: Bollywood actress Payal Ghosh, who had accused film director Anurag Kashyap of sexual harassment, arrived in North Block to meet MoS (Home) G Kishan Reddy. She said that she has come to get speedy justice and will seek MHA intervention if required.
Taking it to the twitter, she said that she was leaving to meet the officials so that she can get speedy justice.
I am heading to @HMOIndia to meet the officials . It’s a fight to the end and no fake agenda can deter me. Bring it on. #LetTruthComeOut
— Payal Ghosh (@iampayalghosh) October 7, 2020
Meanwhile on Tuesday, she met National Commission for Women (NCW) Chairperson Rekha Sharma to discuss speeding up of the investigations in the case filed by her against filmmaker Anurag Kashyap.
I thank @sharmarekha ma’am the @NCWIndia with the bottom of my heart for standing by me. When some women chose to take sides of a vulture, the organisation stood by me.. #DilSeThankYou ??
— Payal Ghosh (@iampayalghosh) October 6, 2020
The actor also said that she has requested Maharashtra Home Minister to provide Y-plus security to ensure she can work and step out from her home without any fear.
“Union Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment Ramdas Athawale accompanied by film actress Payal Ghosh met Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari at Raj Bhavan, Mumbai and presented a memorandum.”
Had a great meeting with honorable @maha_governor Shri @BSKoshyari Sir ??. He had supported me and we have to go all the way. The naysayers will be there but I will not stop, not stop and not stop. Bring it on!!
— Payal Ghosh (@iampayalghosh) September 29, 2020
Talking about defamation suit filed by Richa Chadha, against her and some others, she said she had spoken nothing against the ‘Masaan’ actor.
Meanwhile, Bombay High Court has deferred the defamation suit filed by actor Richa Chadha against Payal Ghosh and others till October 7.
Richa Chadha had filed the defamation suit against Ghosh, Aamoda Broadcasting Company Pvt Ltd, critic Kamaal R Khan and another respondent named John Doe/Ashok Kumar for allegedly defaming her in the alleged rape case against filmmaker Anurag Kashyap by Ghosh.