New Delhi: The Met Gala 2024 was hosted by the Metropolitan Museum of Art witnessed a star studded night with the Fashionistas and the top faces of the entertainment industry like Jennifer Lopez, Zendaya, Gigi Hadid, Mindy Kaling, Sara Jessica Parker. Apart from these big names from the Indian Entertainment Industry also made to the Red Carpet like Alia Bhatt, Sudha Reddy and Isha Ambani.
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As the electrifying night was buzzing with the spark, shine and glitter, there was someone who managed to catch the eye of the audience and the cameras with her outstanding dress beautifully designed with butterflies by designer Law Roach. Indian Fashion Entrepreneur Mona Patel wore the lovely dress and steal the show with her killer looks as she walked at the Red Carpet.
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Who is Mona Patel?
Mona hails from Gujarat’s Vadodara and moved to U.S to complete her education and then decided to settle there to fulfill her dream to become a successful entrepreneur.
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Speaking to Vogue India during an interview in March, she said “I wanted my debut look to be something that celebrates my heritage and also combines my love for couture, and when I heard of the theme, Iris Van Herpen seemed like the obvious choice,”
The Indian CEO has managed to give wings to her dreams and is currently a successful business woman. She is running a million dollar empire now and also working for a Non-Profit venture called Couture for Care to support the social cause in the society.
to me, mona patel was the best dressed at this year’s met gala! this is pure perfection.
— lips dont lie 𐚁 (@lipsdontliepop) May 7, 2024
The Indian CEO is even titled as the best dressed face of the mega event and is buzzing in the social media platforms for carrying it so well.
to me, mona patel was the best dressed at this year’s met gala! this is pure perfection.
— lips dont lie 𐚁 (@lipsdontliepop) May 7, 2024