New Delhi: Season 3 of the crime series ‘Mirzapur’ has received mixed reactions from the audience. The fresh season was released after a span of over 4 years and the audeince who watched the first season were expecting more drama, tadka and bhokaal in the next season. However after watching Season 3 many audience gave mixed reactions. Many viewers felt that this season has failed to live upto the expectations of the viewers. People who watched the 1st season will not like this one and most importantly everyone was missing the character of ‘Munna Bhaiya’.
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The first season of the show was streamed in 2018 and it was a huge blockbuster. Though the show was criticized by some for its aggression, violence and abuses but it overall received a huge applause from the audience and was a superhit. The character of Munna Bhai was the best part of the first season.
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The story of the crime show revolvs around the greed for power in politics in Uttar Pradesh’s Purvanchal. The director managed to nail it by doing a commendable job and how he has given life to the characters in show was outstanding. The crime series had shades of politics, violence, love, betrayal and lust.
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One of the characters in the show Rasika Duggal revealed during an interview that how her life changed completely after working in Mirzapur series. People have started identifying her where ever she goes.
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The characters who added life to the crime series are Shweta Tripathi, Pankaj Tripathi, Ali Faizal, Vijay Varma, Rasika Duggal, Liliput, Neha Sargam etc.
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