New Delhi: Serbian model and actor Natasha Stankovik has unarchived her wedding photos with cricketer Hardik Pandya, breaking all the rumors about their divorce that have been spreading like a wildfire over the past few days.
A few days back, it was seen that the wedding photos of Natasha and Hardik were missing from Natasha’s profile on Instagram. Meanwhile, a post by Reddit user went viral on the internet, creating a stir about the couple’s separation all over social media.
The post read, “This is just a speculation. But both of them aren’t posting each other on stories (Instagram Stories). Earlier, Natasha used to have Natasha Stankovic Pandya on her Instagram, but now she completely removed his name. her birthday was on 4th March and there was no post from Hardik on that day; she also removed all recent photos of her and Hardik except the one where Agastya was with them. Also, she isn’t seen in stands this IPL or post stories regarding the team. While Kunal and Pankhuri still comment on her posts, but something is definitely off between both of them.”
The silence from both Natasha and Hardik when confronted by the media about their divorce rumors, added fuel to the fire, leading their fans to believe that the rumors were indeed true.
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By unarchiving her wedding photos, Natasha has sent a clear message to her fans and media that her marriage to Hardik is still intact and it seems like the speculation about their relationship has come to an end. It’s not uncommon for celebrities to be subject to unfold rumors and speculation about their personal lives!.