New Delhi: Bollywood actress Rhea Chakraborty’s father Indrajit Chakraborty shared his disappointment and anger after the arrest of his daughter and the rejection of her bail plea in the Sushant Singh Rajput case. In a reaction to a follower’s tweet, he said, “No father can bear injustice on his daughter. I should die.” He said that the entire country is hell bent to send Rhea behind bars without any proof.
बगैर किसी सबूत के पूरा देश रिया को फांसी पर लटकाने को तुला है
— Indrajit Chakraborty (@IndrajitChakra) September 9, 2020
No father can bear injustice on his daughter.
I should die?#JusticeForRhea
— Indrajit Chakraborty (@IndrajitChakra) September 8, 2020
Sharing an update in Rhea’s arrest, he tweeted, “Rhea Chakraborty bail rejected. Next act likely in sessions court on Thursday!” Rhea, who has been arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in a drug case linked with actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s death, was sent to 14-day judicial custody on Tuesday after her bail plea was rejected by the court.
Rhea has been sent to 14-day judicial custody on Tuesday after her bail plea was rejected by the court.
She was arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in a drug case linked with actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s death.
Sushant Singh Rajput was found dead in his Mumbai apartment on June 14. His death case is currently being probed by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), the Enforcement Directorate (ED) and NCB.