New Delhi: Model and actor Poonam Pandey’s agency has apologized after the model spread fake news of her death from Cervical cancer. However after hours of sharing the news of her demise, the actress came live and disclosed the truth behind her fake death news. She said she wanted to generate awareness about the deadly consequences of cervical cancer to the world and how it can prove fatal if not treated well at the right time.
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She also faced flak from netizens across the nation for spreading fake news of her death. According to the statement issued by the agency, “Yes, we were involved in the initiative for Poonam Pandey to spread awareness about cervical cancer..
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The agency clarifies Poonam Pandey’s intention which triggered massive response across social media and the entire nation. The also mentioned about Poonam Pandey’s mother battle with the same disease. Considering the gravity of the disease the actor cum model only wanted to share awareness about the negative outcome of the disease.
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The model’s action was also condemned by many agencies which demanded legal action to be taken against her move. The All India Cine Workers Association also wrote to the Mumbai Police and demanded an FIR against Poonam Pandey and her manager. The statement read, “Is this a joke?… You stooped so low for cheap publicity. No one has stooped this low in the Bollywood industry… You ..You have played with the sentiments of the people…There is a way to raise awareness. You can approach the government, an NGO or do a media conference NGO or do a media conference… I have asked the Mumbai Police Commissioner that an FIR should be registered against Poonam Pandey and her manager ..