New Delhi: After much awaited time, the makers of the movie ‘Prithviraj’ have unveiled its trailer, starring the cast of Akshay Kumar, Manushi Chhillar, Sonu Sood, and Sanjay Dutt. Directed by Chandraprakash Dwivedi, in a statement he told that he lived 18 years with this story. Yash Raj Films tweeted “#Prithviraj Trailer dropping anytime now. Celebrate Samrat #Prithviraj Chauhan with #YRF50 only at a theatre near you on 3rd June.”
The movie is releasing in three languages ‘Hindi’, ‘Tamil’ and ‘Telegu’.
Presenting the grand trailer of Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan in Tamil –
Releasing in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. Celebrate Samrat #Prithviraj Chauhan with #YRF50 only at a theatre near you on 3rd June.— Yash Raj Films (@yrf) May 9, 2022
The trailer showed Akshay Kumar in the titular role with co-star Manushree who is making her debut in this movie as Rajkumari ‘Sanyogita’ beloved princess of Prithviraj. Shared by Manushree on her insta handle ” Ek Samrat Aur Ek Rajkumari ki Amar prem Katha. Dekhiye Samrat #Prithviraj Chauhan ka trailer NOW (link in bio)
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Releasing in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. Celebrate Samrat #Prithviraj Chauhan with #YRF50 only at a theatre near you on 3rd June.
In a post Akshay Kumar dropped hint regarding movie stated ” शौर्य और वीरता की अमर कहानी… यह है कहानी सम्राट पृथ्वीराज चौहान की ।Releasing in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. Celebrate Samrat #Prithviraj Chauhan with #YRF50 only at a theatre near you on 3rd June.
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Netizens showered love seeing the trailer one said “we love you, sir”. Others gave heart reactions to the trailer.
The movie is showcasing the fearless Prithvi Raj Chauhan.
Film’s director ‘Chandraprakash Dwivedi’ is known for his Pinjra and Channakya’. The movie was ready to hit the big screen on 21 January but due to the wake of rising COVID 19 Cases in the country makers decided to postpone the movie.