New Delhi: Hours after Television actors Raj Anadkat and Munmun Dutta’s engagement rumors were buzzing, the duo has officially dismissed all the rumors of getting engaged. According to reports, it was published by some media source yesterday that ‘Taarak Mehta ka Ulta Chashmaa’ actors Munmun Dutta and Raj Anadkat have got engaged. The duo have exchanged rings in a private ceremony.
MunMun’s statement
Among all these rumors, Munmun Dutta issued a statement and said “This news is ridiculous, fake and ludicrous. Zero ounce of truth in it. And frankly, I don’t want to give my energy to this fake thing that keeps coming up again and again.”
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Raj’s Statement
” Raj Anadkat also cleared the air in his Instagram stories and wrote, “Hello everyone. Just to clear things up, the news you’ve been seeing on social media is false & baseless,”
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MunMun and Raj Anadkat played the characters of Babita Iyer and Jethalal’s son Tappu in the Television show ‘Taarak Mehta ka Ulta Chashmah’
The news of both the actors getting engaged and then calling it fake is getting all the attention in the internet also. Some user wrote, Heartbreaking Scene for Jethalal..Sad Moment for J.L, Tapu rocked, Jethalal shocked! After watching #RajAnadkat insta story…. Happiest Person on the Planet Right Now
Heartbreaking Scene for Jethalal..💔😞!!
Sad Moment for J.L 🥲🥲#TMKOC #MunmunDutta#stockmarketcrash
— Pradeep Yadav (@mrpradeep_yadav) March 14, 2024
Tapu rocked, Jethalal shocked! 😜
Jokes apart, #MunmunDutta and #RajAnadkat— cm parihar (@CmParihar) March 14, 2024
#TMKOC #MunmunDutta
After watching #RajAnadkat insta story….
Happiest Person on the Planet Right Now 🤣Jethalal and Babita ji forever……..
— Shruti🦋 (@Shruthiey) March 14, 2024
The two actors have been the most favorite characters of the show and have received lots of love from the audience. Apart from sharing the screen, the two actors have been in the headlines for their bonding. The news of the refuting rumors of their engagement have come as a heart break for many fans who actually believed that the duo has got engaged.