New Delhi: Veteran Telgu actor Prabhas is known for his humble and grounded nature in the film industry. Despite being a Pan India star the actor remains down to earth in front of his fans and colleagues. The Bahubali actor surprised his mentor and garu Satyanand by gifting a gold watch to him on his birthday. He jokingly shared how difficult it was for him to find a watch that could fit into his wrist. Satyanand is an acting coach who has trained many actors in the film industry like Mahesh Babu, Pawan Kalyan and Prabhas himself.
#Prabhas Unseen Video 🥺❤️
He is Gifted Watch to his Guru Satyanand garu 🤩🤩#SalaarCeaseFire— Prabhas RULES (@PrabhasRules) December 3, 2023
The Telgu star presents a watch to his mentor in the video going viral on Social Media. He is even seen advising him to take care of the watch and he can happily replace it if it doesn’t fit into his wrist. The video received lots of love from the fans who called him a kind-hearted person and a humble superstar.
Who is Satyanand?
Lanka Satyanand is a popular figure in the Telgu Film Industry. He has trained many film stars and is known for his talent and skills. He also has a training institute in Vishakhapatnam. He has also played a significant role in shaping the careers of Pawan kalyan, Mahesh Babu and Brahmanand’s son Gautham. Apart from acting he is also skilled in screen writing and won awards.
Upcoming Movies of Prabhas
The actor’s action thriller ‘Salaar’ is going to release soon. The film features Shruti Haasan, Jagapati Babu, Prithviraj Sukumaran and Easwari Rao. The film is produced by Vijay Kirgandur. He will also seen in the Science fiction film Kalki 2898 AD featuring Amitabh Bachchan, Deepika Padukone, Disha Patani, Kamal Haasan and others.
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