New Delhi: Actress Sunny Leone is receiving flak on Social Media after she shared a post on her upcoming song ‘Mera Piya Ghar aya’. She wrote in her Instagram post, So proud to share this with the world, kudos to Madhuri Dixit Nene for perfecting the dance steps. The actress will be seen in the remake of the most popular and famous song of the Bollywood star Madhuri Dixit.
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The moment the actress shared the news through her Instagram post, she drew criticism from many for performing on the song. Many users expressed the move as unfair and advised her not to compete with the grace and the dancing ability of the legend Madhuri Dixit. Other users commented, why to remake a cult? Why do you need to transform all the old songs? On the other side, there were other users in the internet who were seen praising Sunny Leone for her performance, one of them commented, as gorgeous, and praised her for looking stunning.
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The actor is seen struggling to match the moves of the iconic star Madhuri Dixit and also explains how excited she is to perform the remake. She is seen wearing an oversized t-shirt with black leggings. She also said that she is equally excited as well as nervous while practising for the song.
The new version of the song is sung by Neeti Mohan and it will be out for the viewers on October 8th. The song became a rage and the actress Madhuri Dixit’s performance was lauded by many in the movie Yaarana in 1995. The song still sounds fresh and nice to hear. It was sung by Kavitha Krishnamurthy and choreographed by Saroj Khan.