New Delhi: Bollywood actress Taapsee Pannu’s needs no introduction in the Indian cinema. The actress is known for her spectacular performance in films like ‘Pink’ , ‘Thappad’, ‘Haseen Dilruba’ and ‘Badla’. As her upcoming film ‘Dunki’ will be hitting the theatres soon, we’ll give you a sneap peak into the actress’s top seven films that are a must watch. Take a look
The story of the film revolves around the lives of three independent women whose lives take a turn after they attend a late night party where they meet these boys who try to take their advantage, in a bid to protect herself one of them hits one of the men with a bottle. The story takes a twist when one of the women decides to file a against the men which turns out to be the son of a politician.
Haseen Dilruba
The story of the film is about a murder mystery where the wife is a suspect in the murder of her husband. The film reflects an arrange marriage between two opposite people and how the wife gets inclined towards her husband’s cousin. Vikrant Massey and Taapsee Pannu has done an amazing job in the film.
This film is the story of a business women who gets trapped in a series of questions when her lover is found dead in mysterious circumstances. She then gets help from a lawyer who helps her find the answers.
The story of this film is of a middle class housewife who is living a happy life until she gets slapped by her husband in a party. The wife then decides to take a stand and move out of the marriage.
The film is about a love triangle between Taapsse Pannu, Vicky Kaushal and Abhishek Bachchan. The character of Rumi played by Taapsee is outstanding and loved by the audience.
Naam Shabana
As the name says the story of the film is based on a women who carries guilt and a past in her mind until she become a spy.