New Delhi: A Heartwarming video of two divas is setting Instagram on fire, veteran singer Asha Bhosle and famous Bollywood actor of the late 70s Mumtaz were seen dancing and grooving to the song ‘Koi Sehri Babu’ is setting the internet on fire. Fans can’t keep calm after watching this amazing dance video of the two divas and posting comments complimenting Mumtaz ji, what energy, one user wrote, each step is killing, it’s a pleasure to watch you. One wrote love the zinda dilli of these ladies. one of them wrote Super Duper Performance.
The two legends can be seen enjoying the beats as the song plays in the background. Legendary Singer Asha Bhosle reminds her of the dance steps while on the other side, Mumtaz is seen dancing openly in her style. While reminding her of the steps, the singer is also seen enjoying the beats of the famous song of the 70s. The users posted lots of compliments and praises in the comments section showering love, respect and thumbs up on the performance. Veteran Singer Asha Bhosle has sung over more than 12 thousand songs for Bollywood and the famous Bollywood actress of the 70s has worked in many super hit films with all the top actors and directors of Bollywood and delivered many hits.
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The late 70s actress is seen wearing a lovely Black and Golden kurta with jet black churidaar while the legendary singer is seen wearing a beautiful off white and purple saree. As the two divas are enjoying the steps of the hit Bollywood track, there were a few women seen capturing the moment in their cameras and cheering for the two.
The video is shared by actress Mumtaz in her Instagram profile. It looks like the video is captured when the two gathered for a small get together or a party at her residence.