Happy Birthday, Vijay Sethupathi! The Kollywood actor turned 44 years today. The actor has made his name in the Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam film industries. Not only had he garnered acclamation from his home industry but also from beyond. From being a romantic hero to an action star and a thriller master, Vijay has worked across different genres, mediums, and languages.
Vijay entered the film industry as a background artist and for more than five years he played small roles in the films. He rose to fame after his big break in Seenu Ramasamy’s Thenmerku Paruvakaatru. He never had to look back and presented his fans with commendable films like Soodhu Kavvum, Vikram Vedha, Super Deluxe, Aandavan Kattalai, and Iraivi.
Here are some unknown facts of Vijay Sethupathi that you might be interested in knowing:
- In school, Vijay was a below-average student and was more interested in sports and extra-curricular activities. Vijay started his career with theatre, Koothu Patrai. He was a professional accountant, but soon his focus shifted into acting.
- Vijay lend his hand to many odd jobs in India but later moved to Dubai, to take care of his family, especially his three siblings. He was earning four times more in Dubai than in India and thus decided to stay there. There he met a woman named Jessie and started dating before getting married in 2003.
- Vijay has secured almost 18 awards and was nominated around 25 times for his brilliant performances. Last year, he won National Film Award for Best Supporting Role for his performance in Super Deluxe.
- In 2006, Vijay worked in a TV show called Penn, which telecasted around 195 episodes. Vijay also starred in a few short films such as Thuru, Maa Thavam, Kadhalithu Paar, The Angel among others. He also featured in music videos like Machan Machan, Spirit of Chennai, Tea Podu, and Maatrangal Ondre Dhaan.