New Delhi: the makers dropped the teaser of the upcoming film ‘Vikram Vedha’, which is a remake of a Tamil film having the same title. The teaser clip has instantly made it to the trends as the looks of Hrithik Roshan and Saif Ali Khan, who play the lead roles in the movie, were in the buzz already. The original film featured R. Madhavan and Vijay Sethupati in the lead roles.
The film is based on the epic tale of Vikram-Vetal, wherein, Vikram, the king, tried to catch Vetal but Vetal narrated a story and asked Vikram some questions to confuse him and escape. In the film too, Vedha, a gangster, narrates his story and leaves Vikram, a cop, in confusion. The film revolves around the themes of grey lines between good and evil.
The teaser shows some of the interesting moments from the film. Netizens liked the action and thrill offered and are pouring in their love on Twitter. However, there is also an ongoing comparison between the original cast and the new cast on the internet.
Vijay sethupathi Hrithik roshan
Expression ? expression ? #VikramVedhateaser— axay patel?? (@akki_dhoni) August 24, 2022
Imagine this Classic Entry Scene with #HrithikRoshan in #VikramVedha ?
With that Solid BGM, Theater goona turn into Stadium ??#HrithikRoshan?#VikramVedhateaser
— Salman Khan Universe (@AmanDeogade) August 23, 2022
Finally The Day Has Come ❤️
All the best @iHrithik sir From@PawanKalyan Fans
i Think this is the End Card Day for #Boycott Gang #VikramVedhateaser #VikramVedha— Kalyan Animal❤ (@KalyanAnimal) August 24, 2022
Hrithik Roshan has surely stolen the show.
#VikramVedhateaser ???@iHrithik simply speechless… Dialogue swag action everything ??
— Being SHUBHAM (@ItsBeingSHUBHAM) August 23, 2022
Two mighty performers clashing in the Hindi adaptation of Vikram Vedha. #HrithikRoshan brings alive the drama, #SaifAliKhan plays it with calmness, hope this is a ‘mass’ crowd puller that we need badly. @sharibhashmi @iHrithik @HrithikRules @NBTMumbai #VikramVedhateaser
— Rekha Khan (@Rekhakhan_NBT) August 23, 2022
One of my friend he’s inside the theatre where the screening is happening rn HE JUST CALLED ME AFTER SEEING THE TEASER AND SAID – BHAI YE KYAA HAI HRITHIK ROSHAN ? PURI DUNIYA PAAGAL HONE WALI HAI TEASER DEKHKE , HR IS TOTTALY KILLING ?❤️#VikramVedhateaser#VikramVedha
— Shubh Kayande (@shkaynde) August 23, 2022
On the other hand, some people loved Vijay Sethupati as Vedha and do not think Hrithik did justice to the role.
No one can copy the original
Sethupatti Nallapathi#VikramVedhateaser
— T.A. #RamSetu (@TA_AKfanatic) August 24, 2022
His reactions are funny ?#VikramVedhateaser
— chirag (@chiragsharma_2) August 24, 2022
The internet is divided on Hrithik’s expression in the teaser.
His expressions ?@iHrithik ? G. O. A. T actor #VikramVedhaTeaser #HrithikRoshan
— Torchbearer ᴸᵒᵏᶦ ? (@TorchbearerEdit) August 24, 2022
Favorite shots from the teaser #VikramVedhateaser
— A (@iAbhi0717) August 24, 2022
The Hindi remake is directed by Gayathri and Pushkar, who also directed the original ‘Vikram Vedha’. The film stars Hrithik Roshan as Vedha and Saif Ali Khan as Vikram. The movie also features Radhika Apte, Rohit Saraf, Yogita Bihani, Sharib Hashmi and Satyadeep Misra. ‘Vikram Vedha’ will release globally in theatres on 30 September 2022.