New Delhi: On the occasion of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s 71st birthday, his biopic movie titled ‘PM Narendra Modi’ is announced to get a digital release. PM Narendra Modi’ biopic, which initially arrived in the theatres in 2019, features actor Vivek Anand Oberoi in the lead role. The film was announced to be released by a leading OTT platform on Friday.
On PM Modi’s birthday on Friday, the makers of the film issued a statement revealing that the biopic will stream on digital platform MX Player from 23 September.
Vivek took to his official Instagram handle to express his excitement over the digital release of the film as he wrote, “Dekhiye humaare Pradhan Mantri, Shri Narendra Modi ji ki kahaani, in #PMNarendraModi, streaming free from 23 September only on @mxplayer.”
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Director Omung Kumar, talking of its digital release told news agency IANS, “This film is the first one to chronicle and celebrate the life of a Prime Minister. I am so glad that MX Player is giving this story what it deserves, a chance to reach more homes in our country”.
The movie also includes a talented star cast such as Boman Irani, Barkha Bisht, Manoj Joshi, and Zarina Wahab in pivotal roles.