New Delhi: Bollywood actress Tripti Dimri who rose to fame with the success of the Sandeep Wanga Reddy film ‘Animal’ was spotted shopping in Bandra with rumored boyfriend Sam Merchant. The duo was seen together in a Shopping mall. Tripti was wearing a Green T -Shirt with blue pants and Sam Merchant was seen wearing a Pink T shirt with denims. The ‘Animal’ actress is seen posing in front of the cameras. There have been strong rumors of the actress dating but she has so far never admitted to her relationship in public. Take a look at the video..
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The rumors of the duo seeing each other gathered steam when the two were spotted in a wedding and the pictures went viral in Social Media. However Tripti has never admitted to be in a relationship, she always maintained she is single. Last month when she celebrated her birthday she was wished by her rumored boyfriend in his Instagram Post, he wrote, “Happy Birthday dearest Triptii” with a heart emoji.
Tripti replied to this post with a heart emoji and a hug. The actress attained global attention with her role in the Ranbir Kapoor starrer film ‘Animal’. The film broke all the records at the box office. Tripti played the character of Zoya which was loved by the audience especially her intimate scene with her Co-Star Ranbir Kapoor.
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The actress will be next seen in ‘Bhul Bhulaiya 3’ with Bollywood actor Kartik Aryan. Apart from this, some of her upcoming films her Raaj Shaandilyaa’s Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video where she will be seen with actor Raj Kumar Rao, she is also a part of the Dharma productions titled as ‘Bad Newz’ featuring Vicky Kaushal and Ammy Virk in the lead roles.
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