New Delhi: In a Royal Family feud which turned ugly, the Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle was caught in the middle of a controversy when she made some shocking statements about her half sister Samantha Markle during an interview with Oprah Winfrey in a Netflix show ‘Harry and Meghan’. Samantha Markle had filed a defamation case against Meghan allegedly for defaming her. However the case went in favor of the Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle as the judge had dismissed the defamation suit filed against her by her half sister. The Royal Family feud is also buzzing in the Social Media.
Everyone needs to go back and rewatch Meghan and Harry’s interview with Oprah, now. 🇺🇸
— Princess Diana’s Black American Ghost 🇺🇸 (@JohnathanPerk) March 12, 2024
For seven years, British Tabloids, social media trolls, and low-budget YouTubers have attacked Meghan relentlessly, and Kate has been silent. Nah… Meghan should stay out of the mess and continue enjoying life with her beautiful family and friends.
— Christopher Bouzy ( (@cbouzy) March 12, 2024
Samantha Markle has accused her half sister Meghan Markle of spreading hurtful, shameful and untrue statements against her. She also added that Meghan humiliated her when she told Oprah that she didn’t shared a close bond with her half sister Samantha during her childhood.
Samantha also accused her of spreading false statements in her biography ‘Finding Freedom’ which allegedly tarnish their father’s social image in the society. She said the Duchess of Sussex is doing this because she she is fame-seeker.
The interview was viewed by over 49 million viewers all over the world. The Royal Family has been a part of some of the other controversy and has been the most talked about topic for the print and electronic media. Meghan had spoken about a lot of issues during the interview, she also mentioned that she had to face racism and neglect inside the family when she got married. She was also quoted saying ‘”very hard to tell all when you don’t know me.”
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About Samantha Markle
Samantha Markle is a half sister of the the Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle, born on November 24, 1964 in New Mexico. She is also known as Samantha Grant. Her father’s name is Thomas Markle. According to reports, Samantha did not attend Meghan’s wedding. She has a bachelors degree in Psychology and Criminology and a masters in Mental Health Counselling and Vocational Rehabilitation Counselling.