New Delhi: In the recently organized Bhagwati Diksha Mahotsav at Gujarat’s Bochasan, a total of 58 highly educated & devoted youths were initiated into the monastic order.
The highly educated youth were ordained as swamis and enlightened with ‘parshadi diskha’ at the devotional ceremony. This marks the beginning of their life-long journey of renunciation of worldly pleasures, self-realization and service to the God & society.
The grand Diksha Mahotsav took place at the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in Bochasan, amid presence of hundreds of devotees and followers of the Swaminarayan Sanstha.
Mahant Swami Maharaj, the most revered figure of BAPS oversaw the ordination of swamis at Bhagwati Diksha Mahotsav in Bochasan.
Many of these 58 ‘parshads’ are highly educated and some are equipped with professional degrees too. They comprise of 21 BE Engineering graduates, 1 doctor, 1 PhD scholar, 8 Post Graduates and 27 graduates in other disciplines.
The Diksha Mahotsav began with initiation rituals, as performed by seniors swamis at the BAPS and also the families of ‘sadhaks’. As per the customary practice, senior swamis spoke about their personal experiences of fulfillment after turning ‘parshads’.
These newly ordained parshads will live a life of simplicity and austerity and commit their life in service of people.
Last month, a similar diksha mahotsav was organized at the Swaminarayan Akshardham temple (recently inaugurated ) in America’s Robbinsville. A total of 30 erudite & devoted youths were initiated into the monastic order here.
Today, the BAPS Swaminaryan Sanstha boasts of about 1195 swamis and this is set to grow further.
Hardik Bhai, the newly ordained parshad at BAPS Bochasan, spoke about why he took devotional path despite being well-educated. He informed that he earned his Engineering degree from BVM college, completed graduation and then pursued MBA from IIM-Udaipur and also went to explain the reasons, why he quit the high-paying job and rather opted for a ‘sadhu life’.
“ There is no bigger power bigger than Almighty God. There can’t be any bigger achievement than turning our focus to God & guru,” he said.
Mahant Swami Maharaj blessed all the parshads and said, “Guardians & parents of parshads deserve appreciation & admiration for their selfless service. After bringing up their children, they have given them away. This is not easy. A life of Sadhu is not easy, as one is expected to give up all worldly pleasures, go through severe hardships and then live an ascetic life, till his existence.”