New Delhi: BJP’s Rajya Sabha MP Sudhanshu Trivedi on Thursday spoke in the Rajya Sabha about North-East Delhi riots that claimed as many as 52 lives and injured over 200 people. While addressing the Upper House of the Parliament, the BJP MP accused the Opposition of making provocative speeches leading to serious law and order situation.
“I am saddened by the riots that shook the North-East region of the National Capital. I was pained after the Home Minister informed about nearly 52 Indians losing their life. I was shocked that the riots did not emerge abruptly but, they happened one step after the other. During such crucial time, no opposition leader appealed for peace,” the BJP MP said.
Trivedi further said that the riots ‘seemed to be well-planned.’
“Home Minister Amit Shah was continuously monitoring the situation. It is an irony and a coincidence, as it seemed like the incident (riots) that occurred during American President Trump’s visit was a pre-planned -Violence,” Trivedi stated.