Hamirpur: In a shocking incident, a School Teacher in Hamirpur is caught lying in a seat inside the classroom in a drunkard state. The locals tried to wake him but he couldn’t get up from his chair. The man is a Primary School Teacher in Lucknow’s Hamirpur district. The video of the Teacher is doing rounds on Social media. After the locals and the teachers alerted authorities and the School Principal, locals gathered and captured the video of the man sitting in an inebriated state. Many locals made a video of him on their Mobile Phones and shared it with others.
Drunk school teacher in Hamirpur. pic.twitter.com/UocRezdEpS
— Aditya Kaushik (@AdityaK64925954) November 7, 2023
Locals Filmed Video in Cameras
The Teacher is seen sitting in a chair wearing an off-white shirt with a blackboard on his back. According to the locals and the school teachers, this is not the first time this school teacher has been found drunk and come to the school to teach the children, he has done it many times in the past and also received many warnings from the school Principal but he blatantly ignored the warnings and continued coming drunk to the school.
School Teacher Suspended from Duties
The matter was raised in front of the District Education Officer and he launched an investigation. The teacher is currently suspended from his duties.