New Delhi: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath held a grand roadshow on Tuesday in Godhra to support BJP candidate Chandra Singh Raul in the election bound Gujarat. Massive gathering of people showed up for the roadshow while the song “mandir ab banne laga hai, bhagwa rang sajne laga hai” played throughout the event.
The UP CM was greeted at every step throughout the roadshow with slogans, yellow flowers, saffron balloons and caps. At the outset of the roadshow, Yogi Adityanath paid floral tributes to the statue of Iron Man Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
गोधरा में रामभक्तों को अयोध्या में राम मंदिर निर्माण के लिए स्वयं का बलिदान देना पड़ा था…
उनके बलिदान को नमन!
— Yogi Adityanath (@myogiadityanath) November 29, 2022
Yogi greeted people with ‘Jai Shri Ram’ and said that the holy Shaktipeeth Pavagadh in this district is a symbol of the faith of ‘Sanatan Hindu Dharma’.
CM Yogi extended gratitude to the people of Godhra for the massive roadshow. He said that Gujarat has moved forward from adverse circumstances and has given leadership to the country.
“During the Congress regime, terrorist attacks used to occur every day. In Godhra twenty years ago, ‘Ram Bhakts’ were sacrificed. But, today everyone is safe in Gujarat. The Ram Mandir respects the feelings of the Ram Bhakts of Godhra. Godhra is a land of transformation. So, the BJP’s winning is not enough, the victory must be unique,” Yogi said.
The crowd, which consisted of workers and local people, including women, stood on rooftops, vehicles and walls to catch a glimpse of Yogi Adityanath and was busy recording that moment through their phones during the roadshow. Yogi also did not disappoint them and greeted everyone with a smile.
The local police had to struggle a lot to control the enthusiastic crowd. Songs on Lord Ram kept playing during the roadshow.