New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi initiated the Jal Jeevan Mission in 2019 with the aim to make tap water available to every household in the country by 2024. The central government had estimated a total budget of Rs 3.60 lakh crore for the mission, with its own share of Rs 2.08 lakh crore in it, and had additionally released an amount of Rs 40,000 crore during the financial year 2021-22.
On Wednesday, Harsh Sanghavi, Home Minister of Gujarat declared the state as 100% Har Ghar Jal state via a tweet from his official handle.
The water turnaround story of Gujarat is one of the most phenomenal examples of how the willpower of leadership can really bring about change on the ground level, and how Narendra Modi built a ‘Gujarat Model’ for water management on the premise of science & satellite-based decision making. Learn how!
Modi became the chief minister of Gujarat for the first time in 2001 when the Narmada canal was under construction. With a visionary mindset, he did not just rely on the water from the Narmada river but took decisions to improve the canal system in the state. As a result of his zest for better water management mainly for drinking water and irrigation, the state has put in nearly Rs 1 lakh crore in various water projects in the last two decades.
As Gujarat is now a 100% ‘#HarGharJal‘ state, its important to recall how Modi has transformed things since 2001 and established a ‘Gujarat Model’ for water management.
First time ever, satellite data & 3D imaging were used to lay out pipelines & check dam routes in Gujarat.
— Modi Archive (@modiarchive) October 28, 2022
He established a ‘Gujarat Model’ for water management, and for the first time ever, technologies such as 3D imaging and satellite were used to lay out pipelines & check dam routes in Gujarat.