New Delhi: After registering mega success at the box office, the Prasanth Verma directed film ‘HanuMan’ is praised by none other than the Home Minister Amit Shah who has lauded the performance of the entire team and shared his thoughts on twitter, he wrote “Met the talented actor Shri @tejasajja123 and film director Shri @PrasanthVarma of the recent superhit movie Hanuman. The team has done a commendable job of showcasing Bharat’s spiritual traditions and the superheroes that have emerged from them. Best wishes to the team for their future projects.”
Met the talented actor Shri @tejasajja123 and film director Shri @PrasanthVarma of the recent superhit movie Hanuman.
The team has done a commendable job of showcasing Bharat’s spiritual traditions and the superheroes that have emerged from them. Best wishes to the team for…
— Amit Shah (Modi Ka Parivar) (@AmitShah) March 12, 2024
The lead actor of the film Teja Sajja is seen gifting a Lord Hanuman idol to the Home Minister Amit Shah. He shared his views on his Instagram and wrote, An absolute honour to meet @amitshahofficial sir
Humbled and thankful for your kind words & Encouragement sir 🙏🏻😊
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About the film ‘HanuMan’
The film was released in January and was highly appreciated by audience and critics. The film is the story of a young man Hanumanthu who receives super powers. He then decides to fight for the people of his village and help them. However he faces lot of challenges while standing up for his people but he manages to overcome all hurdles with his super powers.
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The makers are also working on the sequel of the film and is currently in the the Pre-Production phase. The sequel will begin from where the story of ‘HanuMan’ ended. Director Prashanth is also working for another film called ‘Adhira’ featuring Kalyan Dasari.