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Important Tips: How to beat the heat and stay cool in the extreme weather conditions

Unless and until its an emergency, do not stand out under the sun for too long. Make sure you sit or stand where you can access a fan or an AC or a cooler.

New Delhi: The extreme weather conditions in the National Capital are taking a toll on people’s lives, especially kids and elderly ones.. Almost all the hospitals are receiving patients suffering from heat waves, some passing out or some finding it difficult to even walk under the bright sun. Considering the hot weather conditions, today we will tell you about some precautions that you can take to save your life and stay safe.

The first and most important thing is to stay hydrated and cover your head when you head out from home. You must carry an umbrella or wet tissues to prevent your head from the scorching heat and keep having a sip of water after 5 minutes.

Wear lose clothes
Try and wear lose and cotton clothes if you are moving out of your house. This way you won’t attract heat and will comfortable also

Eat before Heading Out
Extreme heat or weather conditions can cause serious damage to your body, it is always advisable to eat a balanced meal before you head out of your house. You can even have juicy fruits like melons, they are a great source of fibre as well.

Avoid staying for too long under the sun
Unless and until its an emergency, do not stand out under the sun for too long. Make sure you sit or stand where you can access a fan or an AC or a cooler.

Avoid eating outside
Make sure no matter what, you should not eat anything from outside, as most of these vendors they keep stale stuff in order to sell them to people. Eating these will disturb your digestive system and you might land up having Food Poisoning, which is a common disease during summers.
Follow these precautions and stay healthy and protect yourself from the deadly heat.