New Delhi: In a shocking incident, a 60-year-old passenger died mid-air on Saturday evening. The passenger was travelling by IndiGo flight from Madurai to Delhi. After his health deteriorated mid-air the IndiGo flight from Madurai to Delhi was diverted to the Indore airport, said the official.
The flight landed at the Devi Ahilyabai Holkar international airport, after which he was rushed to a nearby hospital near the airport where doctors declared him brought dead.
Prabodh Chandra Sharma, Director in-charge of the airport said the passenger was identified as Atul Gupta (60), he was travelling on IndiGo Airlines flight 6E-2088. He started bleeding from the mouth and his condition deteriorated midway through the journey.
The Official said it was due to a medical emergency the Madurai-Delhi flight was diverted to Indore at around 5:30 pm.
Gupta was rushed to a private hospital where the doctor declared him brought dead.
Doctors said he was already suffering from heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.
The deceased Gupta was a resident of Noida. His body will be handed o his relatives after postmortem, said police.