New Delhi: In the biggest jolt to Mukesh Sahani, chief of Vikassheel Insaan Party (VIP), all three MLAs of his party on Wednesday decided to merge the party with the Bhartiya Janta Party in Bihar. The name of MLAs include Raju Kumar Singh from Sahebganj, Misri Lal Yadav (Alinagar), and Swarna Singh (Gaura Bauram).
They also informed in this regard to Bihar Assembly Speaker Vijay Kumar Sinha.
All 3 legislators of VIP of Mukesh Sahni merge with the BJP
— Arun Kumar (@ArunkrHt) March 23, 2022
If the merger comes into effect, the BJP would become the single-largest party in the state with 77 MLAs under its banner.
At present, Tejashwi Yadav-led Rashtirya Janata Dal has 75 MLAs, making it the largest party in Bihar.
Notably, the VIP has been a ally of the BJP in Bihar for year. Its relation with BJP turned to sour after VIP chief and Mukesh Sahani announced to field over 50 candidates in the recently held 2022 Uttar Pradesh Assembly election.
For the upcoming MLC polls, Sahani has also placed seven candidates against the BJP.
In a tit-for-tat move, the BJP gave a ticket to its candidate for fighting against the VIP leader in the upcoming Bochaha bypoll. The bypoll has been announced after the death of VIP Bochaha MLA Musfir Paswan.