New Delhi: Railways Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw on Wednesday took to Twitter to share a picture of the interiors of a train and also asked netizens to join the ‘guessing game’ by predicting the name of train.
The Railway Minister, in a tweet said, “Guess this train in making⁉”
The Minister also dropped a hint for making the right guess.
“Hint: Jack n Jill went up the hill,” he wrote.
Guess this train in making⁉️
Hint: Jack n Jill went up the hill
— Ashwini Vaishnaw (@AshwiniVaishnaw) May 31, 2023
As is seen in the photograph, the train coach has single slouching chairs on each side of the aisle and big windows on both sides.
Ashwini Vaishnaw’s tweet enquiring name of train elicited many responses from netizens. Many made a blind guess about the train in question while some got the name of train bang on.
As evident from the look of train, many social media users rightly said that it was a toy train, set to roll out on the Kalka-Shimla route in Himachal Pradesh.
It may be noted that the Rail Coach Factory (RCF) in Kapurthala recently launched four narrow gauge panoramic coaches for the Kalka-Shimla heritage train link and also shared its pictures on Twitter. These coaches can be seen displaying big window screens and comfortable seats under 4 different categories –
AC Executive Chair car (12 Seater)
AC Chair Car (24 Seater)
Non AC Chair Car (30 Seater)
Generator Car/Luggage van
आर सी एफ में कालका-शिमला रेलवे के लिए डिज़ाइन व निर्माण किए गए आधुनिक नैरो-गेज यात्री डिब्बों का श्री अशेष अग्रवाल, महाप्रबंधक/आरसीएफ द्वारा किया गया अनावरण ।
कालका-शिमला रूट पर आसिलेशन ट्रायल के लिए होंगे रवाना ।@RailMinIndia
— RCF Kapurthala (@KapurthalaRcf) May 29, 2023
RCF General Manager Ashesh Agrawal unveiled these state-of-the art coaches designed for Kalka-Shimla railway route. Briefing the media, he said that these coaches would first undergo a trail run and then will put into service. They have been given away to Kalka railways for trial runs and the date of their flag off would soon be notified.
Four Narrow Gauge panoramic coaches for Kalka Shimla Railways each of –
AC Executive Chair car (12 Seater)
AC Chair Car (24 Seater)
Non AC Chair Car (30 Seater)
Generator Car/Luggage vanready for oscillation trials.@RailMinIndia
— RCF Kapurthala (@KapurthalaRcf) May 29, 2023
Kalka-Shimal train link first came into existence in 1903, under the administration of Britishers. In year 2009, it was declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO.