New Delhi: Indian actress Rashmika Mandana who is known for her films in Indian cinema hailed Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the Atal Setu Bridge. The ‘Animal’ actress called it a ‘Game Changer’ for transportation in Mumbai. The 22 km Atal Setu bridge connects Mumbai to Navi Mumbai. Speaking to ANI, Rashmika said “The journey of two hours can be done in 20 minutes. As in, you wouldn’t even believe it! Who would have thought that something like this would have been possible? Aaj Navi Mumbai se Mumbai tak, Goa se Mumbai tak aur Bangalore se Mumbai tak (from Navi Mumbai to Mumbai and Goa to Mumbai and Bengaluru to Mumbai), when all the journeys have been made so easily and with such amazing infrastructure! It makes me proud,”
South India to North India… West India to East India… Connecting people, connecting hearts! 🤍 #MyIndia
— Rashmika Mandanna (@iamRashmika) May 16, 2024
Rashmika further adds “Now at least India is not stopping anywhere. Nobody is saying it is not possible in India. Nobody is saying it is not possible in India. Look at our country; it is freaking brilliant, and in the last 10 years, our country has grown, and its infrastructure today, the planning in our country, road planning-everything is just brilliant. It is Haan time. I just got to know that it was all done in seven years. 20 kilometres is just amazing-look at it, I was speechless at first,”
#WATCH | Mumbai: On the Mumbai-trans Harbour Link (MTHL) Atal Setu, Actor Rashmika Mandana says, “Who would have thought that something like this would have been possible. Now we can easily travel from Mumbai to Navi Mumbai. India is moving very fast and growing at a fast pace.…
— ANI (@ANI) May 14, 2024
Acknowledging her stance on the ‘Atal Setu Bridge’, Prime Minister responded and said Absolutely! There is nothing more satisfying than connecting people and improving lives.”
Absolutely! Nothing more satisfying than connecting people and improving lives.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) May 16, 2024
The videos shared by both actress Rashmika and Prime Minister Modi is buzzing in the internet with reactions from the social media users.
Actress Rashmika Mandanna urges the people to come out and vote for development, citing Atal Setu as one of the finest examples that bear testimony to the infra growth over the last few years.
— IANS (@ians_india) May 16, 2024