New Delhi: In a shocking incident in Telangana, an elderly Covid-19 patient fell off the hospital bed and died. The death reportedly happened because the oxygen supply got snapped. The incident took place in Karimnagar hospital on Sunday.
According to the reports, the 70-year-old patient was admitted to hospital on July 22 due to coronavirus infection. He slipped off the bed while sleeping, causing the oxygen supply tube to snap. He was declared dead by the doctors later.
Doctors and healthcare workers have been fighting the pandemic at the forefront, risking even their lives, however this particular incident and testimony by fellow patients has raised question marks over the management of hospital.
#Telangana | A #COVID19 patient fell off the bed in sleep and died after the oxygen supply was cut off leading to breathlessness. The incident occurred in #Karimnagar government hospital in Telangana on 26 July.
— Newsroom Post (@NewsroomPostCom) July 27, 2020
Elderly not attended to promptly, alleged fellow patients
Fellow patients have reportedly pointed that the elderly patient was not admitted to promptly and he died after struggling for breadth.
A video of the elderly person lying on the floor and other patients complaining about hospital indifference and apathy has been circulating on social media.
On Sunday, 51 cases were reported in Karimnagar while Telangana has recorded 1,593 new Covid-19 cases.