New Delhi: The Uttar Pradesh Excise Department conducted severe crackdown on the manufacture, sale and smuggling of spurious liquor in the state. In November alone, the Excise Department impounded about 1.5 litre illicit liquor, booking over 5,000 accused in the state and putting 2,000 ‘liquor agents’ behind bars.
The enforcement drive by Excise Department has been taken to dismantle illicit liquor mafia in the state, as consumption of hooch resulted in many deaths in recent months.
“In November 2020, 5397 cases were registered all over the state in which 1,39,111 litre of illicit liquor was recovered. Along with it, 2,074 persons involved in the illegal act have been arrested and 56 vehicles have also been seized, Sanjay R Bhoosreddy, Addl Chief Secretary, Excise Department said in a statement.
Also, constant monitoring is being done to ensure sale of liquor at prescribed price at the excise shops.
Addl. Chief Secretary also said that to curb and control the manufacture and sale of illicit liquor, special enforcement drives have been conducted for ten days from 06-11-2020 to 15-11-2020 and for fifteen days from 18-11-2020 to 02-12-2020.