New Delhi: Ahead of Bombay high court’s detailed order granting bail to Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan and two other in the cruise ship drug case said on Saturday, Maharashtra minister Nawab Malik has made yet another sensational claim on Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) officer Sameer Wankhede.
Malik took to Twitter on Sunday evening and shared a photograph of what he implied was NCB zonal director Sameer Wankhede’s nikah (marriage). He captioned the image, “Qubool hai, qubool hai, qubool hai. What did you do, Sameer Dawood Wankhede?”
Photograph of Sameer Dawood Wankhede signing his ‘Nikah Nama’
— Nawab Malik نواب ملک नवाब मलिक (@nawabmalikncp) November 22, 2021
Malik has been claiming that Wankhede was born a Muslim, but have forged caste certificate to attain the privileges of Scheduled Caste (SC) reservation.
However, Sameer Wankhede and his family have maintained that the allegations are false.
Earlier, Nawab Malik’s daughter Nilofer Khan shared Wankhede’s marriage certificate and wedding reception card on Twitter, pertaining to his first marriage to Shabana Quraishi.
While Mr. Wankhede & his kin continue to be in denial despite of all the evidence, here’s another piece of proof for all to see. Sameer Dawood Wankhede’s wedding invite. Funny that a man who demanded arrests on basis of assumptions, refuses to acknowledge such hard facts.
— Nilofer Malik Khan (@nilofermk) November 20, 2021
Meanwhile, on November 20 the Bombay High Court in its detailed order granting bail to Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan and two other in the cruise ship drug case said on Saturday, “Prima facie there is no evidence on record to infer that Aryan Khan, his friend Arbaaz Merchant and Munmun Dhamecha conspired to commit offences under the Narcotics Drug and Psychotropic Substance Act”.