New Delhi: Are you hovering over the idea of naming your baby girl with the initial A ? Well, be glad because your options are plenty. Check out 50 Muslim baby girl names starting from the letter ‘A’.
The birth of a baby girl fills your home and life with indescribable joy and pride. Naming your little bundle of joy can be a tough task but if you have chosen the letter ‘A’ to begin her name with, you have a vast number of choices.
Astrology believes that a person’s first letter of the name can influence her life path and personality. The general belief is that children with initial ‘A’ grow up to be ambitious, level-headed and cheerful.
So, here are the top 50 Muslim baby girl names starting with the letter ‘A’ along with their meanings:
1. Aidah Guest: The one who’s returning.
2. Aishah: Wife of the Prophet (SAW)
3. Ashadieeyah: Princess, cute, perfect
4. Aaidah: Name of a narrator of hadith.
5. Aabidah: Worshipper
6. Aabirah: Fleeting, transitory, ephemeral.
7. Aabish: Daughter of Sa’d-queen of Iran (AN)
8. Aadila: Just, Honest, Equal, Upright.
9. Aaeedah: Visiting, Returning, Reward.
10. Aaeesha: Life, Vivaciousness,
11. Aafreeda: Created, Produced.
12. Aafreen: Brave
13. Aamanee: Good wish.
14. Aamilah: Righteous.
15. Alzana: Secured, Safe.
16. Aamira: Imperial, Abundant, Inhabited.
17. Aani: Fatimah She was a literary woman and a poetess in Qastaniniyah.
18. Aanisah: Young lady, Maiden.
19. Aaqilah: Intelligent.
20. Aakifah: Devoted, Dedicated.
21. Aala: Wisdom.
22. Aaleyah: Exalted, Highest social standing.
23. Aalia: Noble.
24. Aalimah: Scholar
25. Aaliyah: Highest
26. Aamaal :Aspiration
27. Aara: Adoring
28. Aarifah: Awareness
29. Aasia: Hope.
30. Aasimah: Protector
31. Aatifa: Affection
32. Aatikah: Generous.
33. Aatiqah: Shoulder of support
34. Aatirah: Fragrant.
35. Abal: Wild rose
36. Abasah: Daughter of al-Mahdi.
37. Abda: Worshipper.
38. Abeedah: Worship
39. Abeer: Fragrance.
40. Abeera: The mixture of the smell of the petals of Rose and Sundal.
41. Aariah: Aura
42. Afshaah: A powerful woman
43. Aadila: Righteous and moral
44. Aamira: Princess
45. Afifa: Chaste
46. Afroza: Quintessence of fire
47. Aida: Flower
48. Aklima: The first step
49. Akshiti: Grace
50. Alzubra: A Leo constellation