Parents are said to be godfathers. Many people believe that we should respect our parents because they give us the right direction and guide us in life.
Parents make sure their sons succeed in their life. It is said that parents are always right.
No matter how tough the situation gets or how many people leave our way. Parents are always there to take a stand for their kids.
Despite all the efforts and love, do you know even they can be wrong here are a few signs:
Discrimination on the basis of caste: A child who is born in a Hindu family will naturally adapt to that culture easily. We become so rigid that we stop our kids to be friends with people of another caste. There are separate sacred places and you are not advised to visit them.
Parents should give their kids a chance to access their experience and knowledge, but also realize that their children aren’t them, they aren’t going to live the same way, nor will they want to be told everything, kids need to learn for themselves, even if it may hurt them, physically or emotionally and that will make them free of indoctrination and they become a free and critical thinker.
Judging someone on the basis of their status: Financial status is going to change slowly or eventually and instead of judging someone’s status we should understand their condition.
The world can be a better place if we try to make it.