New Delhi: International Widows Day is the United States ratified day of action to address “poverty and injustice faced by millions of widows and their dependents in many countries. The day annually takes place on 23 June.
The day is observed to protect their rights and shed some light on their rights. It is estimated that there are 258 million widows around the world.
Practically one in every ten widows live in extreme poverty, as per the United Nations.
In most countries, husbands are considered a god. Losing the husband can be a major fight.
Usually, the majority of women are dependent on their partner’s income, so the demise of the partner means a long-term struggle for money and basic facilities for other family members.
On International #WidowsDay, we recognize the millions of widows around the world and call for social and economic reforms that address their rights.
Our statement: https://t.co/3gACnmdfHq
— UN Women (@UN_Women) June 23, 2022
International Widows Day: History
International Widows Day was recognised in the year 2010. The day is meant to give complete recognition and rights to widows. Before the United States the day. Notably, before the United Nations, the day was observed by the Loomba Foundation in 2005. Globally the main focus is on highlighting the experiences of widows and the assistance they require. Foundation chose 23 to mark International Widows Day as on this day in 1954, founder Rajinder Paul Loomba’s mother Shrimati Pushpa Wati Loomba became a widow.
International Widows Day: Significance
It aims to promote hardships and spread awareness among them related to new programmes launched for them. This day ensures that there is no discrimination and women get decent pay and equal job opportunities if needed.