Ziqitza Healthcare urges the schools, colleges, offices, local bodies, panchayats, and NGOs to organize regular camps on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) to acquaint people with the life-saving procedure.
The team strongly believes in imparting knowledge on first aid to the general public as they are the first responder to people facing a medical emergency. The company is in Limca Book of records for training over lakhs of people in First Aid.
CPR is a technique to save a life during an emergency like a heart attack or near drowning, in which breathing or heartbeat can be brought back by pressing the chest of the person with hard and fast chest compressions to get the heartbeat re-started.
Ziqitza’s expert team often conducts sessions on CPR training at Schools & local bodies to spread awareness of CPR. Performing CPR in time can help in an emergency situation where immediate help is not available or 108 Ambulances are on its way to the incident spot.
If people know how to perform CPR, they can save many lives, further emphasized by team Ziqitza. Similar Sessions were conducted by Ziqitza Rajasthan in the past.
It is a life-saving first aid procedure if performed on time increases a person’s chances of survival as soon as the heart stops pumping, said Dr. Datar – Medical Director at Ziqitza Healthcare Ltd.
CPR is a procedure that combines cardiac compressions to provide oxygen and artificial circulation to an unconscious individual until medical assistance arrives. Statistic data of Ziqitza says, in cases of a heart attack trained EMTs in a 108 Ambulance had saved many lives by performing CPR.
If CPR is not given, the person may become brain dead in three to four minutes owing to a lack of oxygen. Although there is generally enough oxygen in the blood to keep the brain and other organs alive for a few minutes, it does not circulate until CPR is performed. Some of the causes for cardiac arrest in adults are heart disease, trauma, respiratory illness, and hanging, further explained by Dr. Datar.
CPR step-by-step
There are two main stages to CPR: the preparation stage and the CPR stage.
Preparation steps
Before performing CPR on an adult, use the following preparation steps:
Step 1. Call 108 Ambulance
First, check the scene for factors that could put you in danger, such as traffic, fire, or falling masonry. Next, check the person. Do they need help? Tap their shoulder and shout, “Are you OK?”
If they are not responding, call 108 or ask a bystander to call 108 before performing CPR. If possible, ask a bystander to go and search for an AED machine. People can find these in offices and many other public buildings.
Step 2. Place the person on their back and open their airway
Place the person carefully on their back and kneel beside their chest. Tilt their head back slightly by lifting their chin.
Open their mouth and check for any obstruction, such as food or vomit. Remove any obstruction if it is loose. If it is not loose, trying to grasp it may push it farther into the airway.
Step 3. Check for breathing
Place your ear next to the person’s mouth and listen for no more than 10 seconds. If you do not hear breathing, or you only hear occasional gasps, begin CPR.
If someone is unconscious but still breathing, do not perform CPR. Instead, if they do not seem to have a spinal injury, place them in the recovery position. Keep monitoring their breathing and perform CPR if they stop breathing.
CPR steps
Use the following steps to perform CPR:
Step 4. Perform 30 chest compressions
Place one of your hands on top of the other and clasp them together. With the heel of the hands and straight elbows, push hard and fast in the center of the chest, slightly below the nipples.
Push at least 2 inches deep. Compress their chest at a rate of least 100 times per minute. Let the chest rise fully between compressions.
Step 5. Perform two rescue breaths
Make sure their mouth is clear, tilt their head back slightly and lift their chin. Pinch their nose shut, place your mouth fully over theirs, and blow to make their chest rise.
If their chest does not rise with the first breath, tilt their head. If their chest still does not rise with a second breath, the person might be choking.
Step 6. Repeat
Repeat the cycle of 30 chest compressions and two rescue breaths until the person starts breathing or help arrives. If an AED arrives, carry on performing CPR until the machine is set up and ready to use.
Only use CPR when an adult has stopped breathing. Check the person to see whether they respond to verbal or physical stimuli before starting CPR.
About Ziqitza Health Care Limited
Ziqitza operates ‘108’ ambulance systems in multiple states in India, consisting of Trained Paramedics & skilled EMTs in ambulances that provide transport services for pregnant women. ZHL Rajasthan & Ziqitza Limited Rajasthan appreciates Ziqitza Limited for emphasizing CRP training among common people to save lives.
Ziqitza Health Care (ZHL)is a well-established corporate entity in primary healthcare services in India and the Gulf and has served 42 million people of India till date. Ziqitza has not only witnessed but also partnered with the dramatic change in the EMS scenario in India.
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