New Delhi: A women has taken internet by storm after she added ‘sex work’ on her LinkedIn profile. The profile is named as Arielle Egozi, and has over 9,000 followers. She has also added her work experience and has written a long post explaining why she has done this. Soon her post her post has gone viral and left internet divided.
She also talked about the emotional labour that she had gone through.
“I have no problem taking rejections from those that don’t want to pay it, because I charge what emotional labour is required right into the fee. I set and hold boundaries, and engage only in ways that are safe, playful, and abundant for me. I don’t waste my time with anything less. I stopped pitching and negotiating. I have nothing to prove. I’ve done the work up front to make my value evident.”
Here is what she posted:
Her post has so far received over 8,000 reactions and more than 1500 comments. There were few who congratulated her, while some praised her for finding a job that she found empowering and paid her well.
While there were some who did not like it and called it ‘dangerous.’
Here is how the users reacted