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“You’re So Attractive To Be Gay”: Compliments that you must NOT proffer to LGBTQ people

This comment in a way means that you will befriend them because of their sexuality and not because of how well a human being they are

New Delhi: Everyone loves compliments. Sometimes we receive a friendly comment on our haircut or dressing sense, and in some cases on our sexuality as well.

Compliments can boost one’s confidence in a way that even a bad day can turn out to be good.

But sometimes unknowingly we make certain derogatory remarks which could hurt someone’s feelings, usually, when we praise a person from LGBT community, our words can be pinching and unequal.

Here are several praises that you must not use of LGBTQ people: 

1. You don’t look like a gay! : LGBTQ are not defined by their looks. It is certainly a human tendency to know who is interested in which sexuality, but honestly, this is not a compliment like we do not congratulate others for being straight.

2. You are so attractive to be a transgender: Well if you want to compliment them you can praise their looks, but saying this particular comment is inaccurate. Don’t add “transgender” while making comments.

3. You are so pretty. Why you are ruining your body: Being trans is definitely not harming their body or life. They have opted for their sexuality like this because they are comfortable and happy in it.

4. I wish I was gay/lesbian because I’m done with the opposite sex: Everyone has their own struggle and it is important to understand that LGBTQ people have to deal with a lot of things. All they ask is a little acceptance and love from society.

5.  I love gay people, let’s are friends: Like really? Do you love all gay people or do you just feel the same around them? This comment in a way means that you will befriend them because of their sexuality and not because of how well a human being they are.