Mr. Hirav Shah is proving out to be a messiah for small scale and medium scale industry entrepreneurs by guiding them with business strategies which are sure shot success formulae to achieve success in their business.
Hirav Shah who is famous all over the world as an expert Astro strategist cum Business Astrologer believes that talent, hard work, commitment, courage, and smart work are all important virtues to achieve success but all of these virtues in the world are ineffective without one key ingredient: “LUCK” He says, “Luck is the tool that cannot be seen, till you don’t have any! Once it is absent, nothing you try works for you and you keep looking for answers. So, it is of utmost importance to align your course of action and your strategies with luck, to get the momentum you require. Astrology will guide you on God’s grace. It will tell you when luck and the planetary movements are in your favor.”
Hirav Shah says, “Your brand is how people perceive your business. Your brand is not just restricted to your logo, packaging color scheme, or business name. It is your customer’s experience with your company, their interaction with the content you share and the perception these engagements create in their minds. Your construction brand will go a long way to bring you customer loyalty. And branding your small construction business will also establish the credibility and trust of people.”
He adds, “While small businesses face a different set of challenges than larger firms do, you don’t need to have millions of dollars in the bank to build an effective branding strategy. There are lots of things you can do to make your construction business stand out that won’t break the bank.”
Branding a construction company is not as hard as it may seem. Here are some ways to do branding for a small construction business:
Identify the purpose behind your brand
You don’t just wake up one day and decide to have a successful brand. You need to define what your brand stands for and “why” it exists. Your brand purpose will show your customers and prospects that you are not just your products, services, or campaigns. The modern customer is looking for shared values with the brands they buy from. While your purpose may not resonate with everyone, it should resonate with the majority of your target audience. Look for what your customers want, what is important to them, and be honest with your communication.
Research the competition for inspiration
Don’t start branding your company by copying whatever your construction competitors or other big brands are doing. Instead, identify what these businesses are doing right. You will be able to differentiate yourself from the competition, but also use tactics that have worked for others. You can then tailor these to work for your business. At the end of the day, you need to have your own brand voice and personality. Use this information to create a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) for your brand. This will help you come up with a strong branding strategy.
Be honest about your offerings
Exaggerating the quality or features of your services, products, or business itself is a great way to get customers quickly and in the short-term. But you will struggle to get customers who will stay loyal to you in the long term. Nowadays, people know when they are being manipulated or cheated. And their negative experience will follow you in the form of bad reviews online and through word-of-mouth with their friends and family. Never promise anything that you can’t deliver, because it will come around to bite you in the butt.
Be consistent but not repetitive
Being consistent reinforces characteristics like transparency, genuineness, and consistency. You want people to see stability in your construction brand. You will find that certain branding techniques work, while others don’t. So, while sticking to proven techniques is safe, your efforts will turn stale after a while. You will need to be flexible to evolve along with your competition and the changing demands of consumers. Be bold and innovative in ways that larger businesses, which are often held back by bureaucracy, are not.
Establish yourself as an industry expert
Even as a small construction business, you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars to be seen by prospects. So, invest in content marketing. Regularly publish blogs on your site and posts on social media that show off your construction industry expertise. As you continue to share valuable knowledge and resources, your audience will come to trust you. And they will see you as a legitimate source of information. The best part is that content marketing is affordable and doesn’t require heavy investment.
Build a community of individuals
The internet is a vast space, and you should use it to build a community. Start with your team and get involved in different social causes. Involve your customers in what you do to increase engagement, through reviews and customer-generated content. Then expand into social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to build a presence that delivers value to all your followers. Continue to push out valuable content in the form of blogs, articles, videos, and social media posts. By building a community, you will have supporters who will always have your back and a loyal following that will act as your word of mouth channel to promote you and your offerings.
Hirav Shah wraps up his thoughts by saying, “As you can see, branding a small construction business requires a reasonable amount of time and effort. The result is that people associate your company with positive experiences, and high-quality products and services. This will come to them even if they have not directly done business with you. Your brand is ultimately what the rest of your business will be built on.”
He concludes by saying, “How does food taste without salt?
How a movie will perform with a weak script?
How do you feel wearing ill-fitting clothes?
How does a track & field athlete feel if the track has a poor surface?
Similarly, in business, if the structure of the organization is great (i.e Business Name, great partners, correct registered and administrative address, logo, web-print-digital presence, brand name, etc.), by adding an Astro-Strategist, the business can make and execute decisions within a perfectly timed framework to maximize success.”