New Delhi: Uttar Pradesh police on Tuesday appealed to everyone to create a strong password by sharing a video on Twitter. In the video, one can see the goalkeeper stopping the football by doing a somersault. UP police called the goalkeeper a strong password and hacker to a striker.
Sharing the video on Twitter, UP Police wrote, ”Don’t let hackers score against you! Somersault your way out of a cyber criminals attack with a strong password as the goalkeeper of your accounts.”
Watch the video here:
Don’t let hackers score against you!
Somersault your way out of a cyber criminals attack with a strong password as the goalkeeper of your accounts. #PassTheWord for #StrongPasswords
— UP POLICE (@Uppolice) July 12, 2022
Since being shared on the social media platform, the video has received over 42 retweets and over 100 likes.
Sharing a reaction on Twitter, a user wrote, ”hareef admi ko “Hacker” se darr nahi lagta sahab, “Police” se darr lagta hai, Pata nahi kab saheb ka adesh ajaye farzi case banane ka.”
Shareef admi ko “Hacker” se darr nahi lagta sahab,
“Police” se darr lagta hai, Pata nahi kab saheb ka adesh ajaye farzi case banane ka.— Lies 0f modi (@Lies0fModi) July 12, 2022
Strong password tips
It is suggested one should not use pet name, own birthday date or family members’, any words related to your hobby, job or interests. Further, one should avoid using your name and any of a family member.
Experts say one should keep at least eight letters, numbers and symbols at the time of generating a new password. They also say people should never reuse their old passwords.