New Delhi: In just three months of Realme Narzo 10 series launch, the company is now all set to bring its successor Realme Narzo 20 series in India on September 21. This will be the second Narzo smartphone series after the Narzo 10 and Narzo 10A. This time Realme is launching three phones under the Narzo 20 series with the addition of a ‘Pro’ variant.
The launch event will live streamed on Realme’s official YouTube channel and social media accounts on September 21 at 12:30PM IST. Realme notes that the Narzo 20 series is for “all young players with best-in-class segment gaming processor and trend-setting design.” These will be first Realme smartphones with the company’s brand new Realme UI 2.0 based on Android 11.
The Narzo 20 will have an additional camera along with the rear fingerprint sensor. As for the Narzo 20 Pro, there’s no presence of a rear fingerprint sensor hinting at an in-display fingerprint sensor.
Realme hasn’t revealed anything else about its new Narzo phones. But the phones have been leaked revealing the possible colour and storage options. Narzo 20A is said to come in 3GB+32GB and 4GB+64GB variants, and in two colour options of Victory Blue and Glory Silver. Narzo 20 could come with 4GB of RAM and storage options of 64GB and 128GB. Colour options are said to be the same for Narzo 20 and 20A.
As for the Narzo 20 Pro, this phone will be available in two options of 6GB+64GB and 8GB+128GB. The smartphone’s colour options are Black Ninja and White Knight.