Spring Season 2021: Google welcomes first day of Spring with an animated hedgehog
New Delhi: Google Doodle celebrated the season of flowers and bloom with an adorable animated doodle marking the onset of spring today. Spring 2021 begins in the Northern Hemisphere on March 20 and lasts till June 21. It is also called Spring Equinox when a day when the day and night are equal in length. Nighttime and daytime will be 12 hours long worldwide.
The word equinox a Latin word that is a combination of aequus (equal) and nox (night).
It marks the end of the winter season and marks the beginning of spring. Google Doodle features a hedgehog with a garden filled with plants and flowers of several colours including blue, red, pink and yellow. A bouquet of flowers and leaves is seen on the hedgehog’s back as honey bees hover over it.
About spring:
Many animals migrate south during the winter, then head north as temperatures rise. For relatively northern regions, there is no better indicator of spring than birds chirping outside your window.
Following the spring equinox, days begin lasting longer and nights get shorter. Daylight Saving Time, which moves the clock forward starting in March, gives you even more light hours to get things done. Those extra hours of sun can be a major mood-booster, according to some research
In many places, the season brings mild temperatures in the 60s and 70s. People tend to be most comfortable at temperatures of about 72°F, research shows, so the arrival of spring means you can finally ditch the heavy winter layers and still be comfortable.