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Zoom rolls out Waiting Room, two-password settings over privacy concerns

Starting April 5, 2020, the two password settings will be enabled by default to prevent unwanted participants from joining a meeting, the company wrote on the official support page.

Zoom rolls out Waiting Room, two-password settings over privacy concerns

New Delhi: Zoom has announced that it will enable two security features including Waiting Room and two meeting password settings in a bid to make conference meetings private.

Zoom rolls out Waiting Room, two-password settings over privacy concerns

Starting April 5, 2020, the two password settings will be enabled by default to prevent unwanted participants from joining a meeting, the company wrote on the official support page.

Zoom rolls out Waiting Room, two-password settings over privacy concerns

The Waiting Room feature allows the host to control when a participant joins a meeting. It is also aimed at preventing unwanted participants if a link is shared outside of the intended group. The new features will be enabled for all Basic users and Pro users with a single license, including K-12 education accounts. (ANI)